Hello! As you look through Teach 4 the Heart, you'll often find that we link to various products or resources. We link to these products because we genuinely believe they could/would be a big help to you as you strive to teach excellently. Sometimes the sites that sell those products offer us an affiliate commission - that means that if you end up purchasing a product/resource from them, Teach 4 the Heart receives a percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you. 

We never recommend resources just to get an affiliate commission. We only recommend resources we truly believe will be helpful. The affiliate commission is just a bonus - but it is a wonderful way for you to help support Teach 4 the Heart.

We partner with various organizations as opportunity and mission align. In particular, we are part of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This means that if you click a link from Teach 4 the Heart that takes you to Amazon, Teach 4 the Heart receives a small percentage of anything you buy from Amazon within the next 24 hours (well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the general idea). We also partner with Angela Watson to spread the word about her 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club and with Christian Educators to spread the word about their amazing membership benefits.

If this for any reason makes you uncomfortable, you can always simply google the resource mentioned. Otherwise, thanks so much for helping support Teach 4 the Heart in this way.

- Linda Kardamis

p.s. Any questions? Feel free to contact us.
